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    Can I Eat Corn After Diverticulitis?

    Diverticulitis is the inflammation of diverticula, which are abnormal pouches that form on the wall of the colon. Diverticulosis is the condition of having many diverticula on the lining of the large intestine. Diverticulosis is more common in older people and about half of people aged 60 and above suffer from the condition, according to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive Diseases. Patients may consume corn after active diverticulitis, according to MayoClinic.

    Eating Corn after Diverticulitis

    During active diverticulitis, patients are placed on a clear liquid diet. Patients are not allowed to eat high-fiber foods including seeds such as corn, according to MayoClinic. In the past, doctors advised patients with diverticulosis to avoid seeds and nuts because they thought the seeds would become trapped in the diverticula and cause diverticulitis. MayoClinic now states that there is no scientific evidence to show that corn and other seeds cause diverticulitis. Once patients recover from diverticulitis, they can resume consumption of high-fiber foods that include corn, nuts and other seeds. A high fiber diet prevents the development of diverticulosis.

    Symptoms of Diverticulosis and Diverticulitis

    Most patients with diverticulosis do not experience any symptoms, according to NIDDK. Some patients may experience lower abdominal pain, crampy pain in the abdomen, constipation and bloating. When the diverticula become infected and inflamed, patients experience tenderness in the lower abdomen, nausea, vomiting, fever, chills and weight loss

    Diverticulitis Treatment

    Acute diverticulitis is treated using antibiotics to kill bacteria that cause inflammation of the diverticula. Patients are also placed on a clear liquid diet to rest the bowel. Clear liquid diet includes foods such as plain gelatin, clear broth and fruit juices. These foods are easily digested and do not leave residue in the colon that can irritate the inflamed diverticula. Patients who are unable to eat are hospitalized and given fluids through the intravenous route.

    Diverticulitis Complications

    Patients with untreated diverticulitis may suffer from complications such as abscess, perforation of the colon, peritonitis, sepsis, abscess, fistula and narrowing in the colon, according to NIDDK. Sepsis is a fatal blood infection that can occur when the colon becomes perforated and bacteria from the colon invade the bloodstream. Patients with abscess, colon perforation and fistula require surgery.